Montana Colors establishes a new subsidiary in Australia


The firm replicates its successful commercial strategy by installing a new office and warehouse in Sydney


After establishing a great reputation in the United States, the company has decided to replicate the same successful commercial strategy in Australia, in one of the farthest points from its headquarters.

The company's new subsidiary, Montana Colors Australia, has an office and warehouse in Sydney, specifically in the district of Marrickville, with sufficient capacity to store some 70,000 aerosols. Fine arts shops, graffiti shops and traditional paint shops distribute the products in Australia's seven states. In addition, online sales through the platform have already experienced strong growth, generating contacts and synergies linked to the sponsorship of various events and projects.

"This control has given us the security of being able to direct, and at the same time recognize, our weak points in order to address them. A fact that, today, is reflected in the turnover growth rate and, more importantly, in the comments and reviews from the community of graffiti artists and writers in the country," says Bernat Escorihuela, Montana Colors Australia Manager & Middle East Area Manager.

So far, the firm has been able to detect good early results from its recent establishment in this country. Specifically, customers in the area can enjoy the full range of Montana Colors products quickly and directly. In addition, customer service and support has been strengthened at the same time as the presence of Montana Colors being consolidated in the digital domain, primarily on social media, constructing and expanding its solid distribution network that supplies tools and products to all users of the brand.